Discover true life balance, ignite your confidence, and deepen connection to yourself, all while being the devoted mother you are.
Are you ready to unleash?
In the back of your mind, you might be thinking…
"Busy" is Your Badge
You wear your busy life as a badge of honor—from 2-minute showers to carpooling to grocery shopping to bedtime routines—because societal expectations imply that staying busy means you’re productive and successful. You believe that to be a great mom, you have to give up your own needs.
Self Care is Selfish
You learned somewhere down the line that self-care is selfish— taking a bubble bath in the evening while listening to a meditation would seem extremely self-absorbed. Taking care of your own needs would mean you’d have to neglect everything else. And well, everyone needs you, so how can you possibly say no?
Balance is Bullsh*t
You think balance is unattainable. It’s impossible to find your center when life is full of unpredictable chaotic variables like school PTA events, work deadlines, music practice, parenting your kid about sharing, conflict with your partner, homework, housework, relationships, and (let’s not forget about) intimacy.
But if we take a moment of truth here, you know that slowing down, tending to your own needs, and finding time to connect with yourself could be THE keys to feeling a sense of freedom again.
So, what's holding you back?
You’re looking for something you can engage in on your own time, in the privacy of your own space, or even while you’re cooking dinner or heading out for a walk in the neighborhood.
You’re thirsty for mindfulness practices, new concepts, tips, tools, and strategies to help you be even more of a badass than you already are (but a bit more zen). Most of the wise mom-hacks you find are either referrals from friends or a podcast you happen to stumble upon.
There’s no real place where all of these golden nuggets come together. So you try out a meditation on Calm.com one week, read a chapter of Untamed the next week, binge on Sex, Love and Goop the following week. And maybe call a friend for some advice between all of that. Then you try to piece it all together in hope of finding some sense of wholeness.
Yet, day after day, you end up lying on the couch with a glass of wine, stretched and exhausted, wondering how to actually make changes that last.
We both know this life is too precious to spend endlessly scrolling your phone and being consumed by laundry piles. You need a guide and a system that combines holistic practices and evidence-based science—one that’s been tried and tested that gives you all the things you desire at a pace that works for you.
Tiffany excels at drawing connections across time, traditions, and truth to thread together practical wisdom and share it in a manner that is comprehensible, effective and inspiring.”

Imagine what it might be like to finally feel a deep sense of connection to yourself—to feel inspired and fulfilled at the end of your day, and still have energy for your partner and your kids…
You would move through your to-do list with ease and grace even when your schedule is packed.
In those moments when your kids are crying and you’re arguing with your partner, you stay true to who you are and can quickly recenter.
You would take a moment to notice how delicious your coffee is as you’re getting the kids’ lunches together and nudging them out the door.
You would have energy at the end of a long week to surprise your partner with an at-home adventure date.

You would respond with more softness to your screaming children and be able to diffuse situations with more ease.
You would feel inspired to put on something other than yoga pants and feel (dare I say it) sexier in your own skin.
You might be thinking, “Yeah, that sounds nice, but there’s no way all that’s gonna happen.”
Well, I’m here to remind you that it CAN happen. and is HAS happened for hundreds of other mamas just like you.
As a mama of twins who really needs some time to connect with SELF, Tiffany gave me a space to do just that; to listen to my own wisdom and embrace my new identity AND divinity. I am stronger and more steadfast because I continue to have this community for life.
“Tiffany possesses a unique ability to light up any room she enters with her radiant presence. Her powerful energy cultivates an environment of trust and vulnerability and has a transformational effect on those around her. Her guidance and mentorship have consistently inspired and empowered me to reach my full potential.
Tiffany is the bridge for those who roam to find peace and intention and power. The way she shares her heart, her gifts, and her teachings is bound solely by love. She brought me back to my foundation, back to the bedrock of who I have always been in a brand new way as a woman today.
Most people who know me will tell you that I love life. I’m passionate about making each day matter. If we’re not laughing at the craziness of it all, what’s the point? At the same time, I take growth and personal development seriously. I am a perpetual student and have an incessant desire to uplevel in every area of my life.
My life’s journey has been influenced by decades of study in sports medicine, human performance, learning and development, primal wisdom traditions, alternative healing, transformational coaching, and spiritual philosophy. After 25 years of integration, I feel called to synthesize and share all of the incredible tools and wisdom I’ve learned along the way.
Twenty years ago at the age of 24, battling a host of hormonal issues and chronic fatigue, it became very clear to me that mainstream solutions weren’t helping. It was the holistic approach of alternative therapies and earth-based practices that opened the doors for healing. As I sat with teachers, masters, and lineage holders from indigenous cultures around the world, I began to incorporate their guidance into my daily life. And little by little, I peeled back the layers that were holding me hostage and I broke free.
So now, especially in the throws of motherhood when I feel out of balance, overwhelmed, filled with rage, or washed with waves of grief, I lean into these teachings for steady support. They recenter and ground me every time.
I know these topics can seem far fetched; after all, I come from a western medicine background. And yet, I’ve found that if we remain open and stay curious, we just might learn something new that could change our lives forever. It certainly wouldn’t hurt to try.
And that’s why I created this course…
Welcome to
A 12-Session Self-Study Online Course with Tiffany Grimm Fulton

Discover true life balance, ignite your confidence, and deepen connection to yourself, all while being the mom you aspire to be.
The four-phase path to UNLEASHING
It’s a method that aligns with the cycles of nature. You wouldn’t ever pry a petal off a flower to make it grow. Instead, you allow it to open, let it align and attune to the soil, seek out the sun, and then expand into full bloom. Humans are no different. This isn’t a forced approach to learning. It’s an invitation for you to grow on your own time and dive deep into the topics that interest you.
Clear the slate for new beginnings, call in what you want, and create sacred space. We start with curiosity and opening to the potential that lives inside of you.
Reclaim your sovereignty, attune to the rhythms of nature, and shift your routines. You’ll learn about your own archetypes and how to flow with the cycles of nature with more ease.
Understand your energy, trust your inner voice, and discover your unique design. This is an opportunity to dive into your hidden layers and listen for the answers you long for.
Explore your sensual nature, set clear goals, and connect with your community. We finish with the embodiment and application of all the knowledge you’ve gained so you can fully unleash your essence.

Unleash Your Essence was full of learning, peeling back layers, drawing, creating, writing, dreaming and giving myself permission to embrace ALL OF IT. I found grace, love, transformation, growth and friendship, and above all, a safe space for me to be transparent, vulnerable and let it all go.
An opportunity for deep, soul-searching reflection, Tiffany is so intuitive and absolutely meant to take women on this journey.
I am deeply moved by Tiffany’s skillful guiding, intentional delivery, and whole hearted care for her participants. Tiffany’s fierce protection of the sacred spaces she creates makes room for the full realization of healing and soul-full transformation.

Here’s a taste of the magic you’ll find inside the course…

Practice clearing your mind, body and heart so you can begin with a fresh slate.

Feel the power of setting intentions from a grounded and connected place.

Understand what sacred space is, why it’s important, and how to call it in.
Before you start any journey, it’s important to get in a state of mind that will enable you to remain curious. Creating a blank canvas that is able to receive new ideas and information is imperative as you begin your self-development. Here’s what you’ll learn in Phase 1:
- How to open to the mystery and be okay with discomfort so you can navigate those unexpected meetings during stay-home days with your kids
- How to clear your mind, heart and environment through ritual and breath so you can find clarity in the middle of working late at night
- The neuroscience behind intentions, co-creating with Spirit, and staying grounded through moments of midweek chaos
- The intent behind sacred space and making each moment more meaningful, even when you only have 2 minutes to spare

Discover how your phasic nature is inherent to your sovereignty.

Understand how the rhythms of nature and femininity are closely aligned.

Assess your current state to understand where you can set better boundaries.
After you’ve cleared the slate, now your primed to receive all of the wisdom that your femininity can bring. Understanding the cycles of nature can help you attune your own rhythms. Here’s what you’ll learn in Phase 2:
- What sovereignty means for you and how to attune to it so you can flow through each task with more grace and control
- Reclaiming your womanhood and the seven feminine archetypes so you’re not stuck in the blame, shame, mom-guilt game
- How to sync your own rhythms with the lunar, solar, and seasonal cycles of nature so you can stay present and make more intuitive decisions
- A hard look at your environment, routines, and support systems—to make the changes you need and set the boundaries you want—to wake up and feel energized each day

Discover the chakra system and practice working with your own energy.

Learn divination tools to help align your relationship with Spirit and intuition.

Discover distinct tools you can use to understand your unique design.
Once you’ve aligned with your internal and external rhythms, you can begin to do the intuitive work. Seeking answers intuitively requires trust and a curiosity in the unknown. Here’s what you’ll learn in Phase 3:
- An overview of energy, the chakra system, and how you can begin to work with these concepts to address depression, anxiety, overwhelm, (and that aching lower back!)
- The origin of flow state and how to leverage divination tools like cards, signs, and dreams to confirm that you’re not actually going crazy
- The power of astrology, the enneagram and human design to help you apply your natural strengths to how you parent, your love life, and your future dreams

Explore sexuality, sensuality and intimacy to ignite your orgasmic nature.

Cultivate lasting change rooted in evidence-based behavioral science.

Recognize the power of community and remember your interconnectedness.
As you’ve begun to understand the many layers that make you such a complex intuitive human, you can then start to embody and apply it in your life. Behavior change doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a conscious orchestration of new habits that level up your growth. Here’s what you’ll learn in Phase 4:
- How to optimize your primal life force and bring back your sexy (yep, the juicy lesson!)
- The science behind behavior change, why it works if you do it in small steps, and how you can use it to make sure you get more baths, nature walks, and date nights
- The power of connection and how you can grow your own village of support to ensure you never feel this alone again on your path of motherhood
Tiffany is able to connect to people in ways they aren’t able to connect to themselves. She sees the world in a different way. How she shares her understanding of the world and her relationship to it is unique. She not only has the education and knowledge to back her, but she is a living example of how to walk in alignment with nature and truly stand in your power.

You’ll be learning alongside other like-minded mamas with the support of several features like…
Each lesson is between 15 and 25-minutes, in a short podcast style, so you can easily digest the information no matter where you are and save the rest of your week for journaling and practices. If you’re an auditory learner, pop your headphones in. If you’re a visual learner, grab a drink and hang out with me!
Listen to one lesson per week, every two weeks, or even once a month, at your own pace, on your own time. Each lesson will require a period of absorption and integration. Set a goal yet give yourself the time you need to move through the material differently than you would on a rushed schedule.
Get your own beautiful 200-page printed paperback journal, filled with prompts, diagrams, strategies, and plenty of pages to jot down your insights from the lessons. Digital versions available too. Audio meditations, trackers, templates, and checklists will be provided with each lesson.
VALUE = $5000
Receive lifetime access to course materials and access to a private Facebook community where you can make new mama friends, receive support, ask questions, and share your wins. Join our live quarterly community calls to connect with mamas across the world.
VALUE = $1500/Year

Furthermore, we’re joined by a circle of world-renown experts who have offered their wisdom throughout the course.
Meet the Ladies, Unleashed

Holly Hamilton
High Priestess, Mentor
Alliance Avalonia

Enuma Igweatu
Founder, Coach
She Thrivin’

Abby Tucker
Guide, Mentor
The Sovereign Path

Dr. Saida Desilets
Sexual Sovereignty Coach
Saida Desilets

Rachael Weaver
Human Design Guide
Cloud Nine

Connie Eberhart
Sexological Bodyworker
Embodied Pleasure

Jerri Doran
Shaman, Guide/Mentor
Shaman Wings

Jessica Goodman
Intuitive Healer
Jessica Goodman

Naomi Gottlieb-Miller
Yoga/Movement Educator
Conscious Healthy Mama

Carisa Banuelos
Sacred Sexuality Teacher
Sacred & Simple

Kristen Dessange
High Priestess, Soul Guide
Embodied Mystery School

Suset Laboy Zuckerman
Empowerment Advisor
A Little Awareness
Time Commitment
Yes, it’s inevitable. You’ll need to spend time on this!
However, I promise two things: 1) it will be time well spent, and 2) after the course, you’ll feel like you multiplied your time instead of depleted it.
I suggest reserving 1-2 hours per lesson, per week or every few weeks. That includes listening to the lesson and doing the journal exercises. Some lessons may take shorter or longer. I always find it helpful to block it off in my calendar and let my partner and kids know I’m going to be investing in ME!
If you have been on a retreat with Tiffany, or if you’ve worked with her one-on-one, this course is like packaging that whole experience so you can come back to it again and again. And if you haven’t worked with her before, you are in for an amazing awakening!
I have had the honor and pleasure to experience Tiffany as my coach, my mentor, and as a colleague over the years. She is the most grounded, mindful, and intelligent coach I have ever met. Tiffany has an incredible ability to help you unlock your inner potential and create empowering change that lasts.
Tiffany has the power to inspire, motivate, and transform through her words. With the way she paints a clear vision and pathway forward, she really knows how to set the mood, and leads you on an adventure towards positive change.

And if your curiosity hasn’t sparked yet, I’m throwing in a few sexy BONUSES to boot.

$200 off a Mothers Moving Mountains wellness retreat. Retreats are held annually in Colorado and across the world during spring and fall. The retreat schedule for the year will be posted on the MMM website and in the private Facebook group.

Special discounted sessions with our expert contributors and world-renown practitioners in energy healing, astrology, enneagram, human design, life coaching, sexual sovereignty and more. Discounts will be offered throughout the course and in the private Facebook group.

With the full curriculum, private community, quarterly calls, journal and bonuses, and the years of study to synthesize it all, the total value of this program is well over $10,000
And now, you get it all for

Immediate course access
Lifetime access to materials
200-page printed paperback journal**
Private Community forum

$115 x 6
(Six payments total)
Immediate course access
Lifetime access to materials
200-page printed paperback journal**
Private Community forum
** Digital versions of the journal are available within the course platform. Printed paperback journals are available for purchase at 60% discount through Amazon for $10.99
When you join Unleash Your Essence, you join a circle of mamas who are all on a path of transformation. This is a place with no barriers, where mothers from all walks of life are invited to laugh and play, to cry and grieve, and to let their inner power shine in all its vulnerability.
Sovereignty, connection, and expression are the heartbeat of our community, and our mission is to create a nurturing space where you can illuminate what truly matters to you, access your inner power, reflect your greatness, and unleash your authentic essence.
And although it’s a good possibility you’ll feel right at home when you join, you deserve a risk-free commitment. If you get in there and realize it’s not for you, simply request a refund within 72 hours of purchase via email and you’ll receive a full unquestioned refund.*
* Heads up – everything you watch and download is visible from the backend so please don’t be that person who takes all the material and asks for a refund.
Frequently Asked Questions
This sounds like what I’m looking for, but how do I know it’s going to work?
A primary principle from Tiffany’s methodology is trusting your intuition while also embracing unknown outcomes. Tiffany teaches, first and foremost, trust in yourself. Perhaps you have been called to this particular path for a reason. This path leads to self-discovery where you have greater access to the answers inside of yourself. Learning to trust your own intelligence and feel more confident in how you approach life starts here.
Is there a specific start date or can I join anytime?
You can join Unleash Your Essence at any time that suits your schedule. We’ve designed the program to be flexible and accessible to fit seamlessly into your life.
What is the time investment?
Each lesson is 15-30 minutes long. Additionally, you’ll find materials, exercises, and practices provided each month, which typically take 1-3 hours to complete, depending on how deep you want to go. Your commitment will determine your results.
What are the prerequisites for joining the program?
There are no prerequisites for the program. Ideally, you’d want to come into this program with an open mind, a level of courage and vulnerability, and the readiness and willingness to transform your life.
When are the quarterly calls?
The quarterly calls typically take place during midday (Mountain time) a few days before spring and fall equinox (around 3/21 and 9/21) and summer and winter solstice (around 6/21 and 12/21).
Is it one size fits all? How is it customized?
Tiffany’s program is rooted in earth-based wisdom and evidence-based science. While the concepts are fixed, the application is highly customized. The course comes with a paperback printable journal with prompts, exercises and strategies to apply to your own unique circumstances. Your transformational path is highly personal and Tiffany and the community will be alongside you for support and accountability.
How do I measure success?
You’ll set goals based on Tiffany’s coaching guidance and complete a series of self-reflective exercises in each phase to track your transformation and growth.
I’m already in therapy. Does this coaching program compliment this type of work?
Absolutely, Unleash Your Essence can complement therapeutic work exceptionally well. This course not only helps you access deeper layers of experience but also guides you in applying wisdom practically and holding yourself accountable to your goals.
Why use methodologies beyond contemporary science?
Insights from contemporary science address our logical minds and provide an important basis for the guidance Tiffany offers. Research-backed science helps your conscious mind feel at ease. But science is young, and social scientists are just beginning to understand how traditional wisdom traditions help us heal, transform, and nourish ourselves and the planet. Trusting methods beyond contemporary science requires some degree of surrender. We often have to unlearn old ideas and habits. Consider the fields of quantum physics or epigenetics: We know that there is so much more to existence than what we know and experience. Unleash Your Essence will ask you to be uncomfortable and seek answers for yourself rather than externally through validated research.
How do I know if this is not for me?
Unleash Your Essence may not be the right fit if you’re not genuinely committed to personal transformation, if you lack the time to invest in your personal growth, if you’re not open to vulnerability, or if you’re uncomfortable with being held accountable.
How do we get started?
Click the button, register for your preferred payment option, and you’ll receive your account info to get started today.
Is there a refund policy?
Unleash Your Essence comes with a 72-hour money-back guarantee. If you find that the program isn’t a good fit for you, simply request a refund via email, and you’ll receive a full refund, no questions asked. However, please note that we monitor video views and downloads, so let’s keep things fair.
If you’re still curious if Unleash Your Essence is for you. See if you check off these boxes:
- You sometimes feel you’ve compromised who you are; stuck in the identity of mother or spouse
- You feel disconnected, trapped or overwhelmed
- You blame yourself for how you feel, like you should be happy
- You want to make changes but you’re unsure of what will help or where to look
- You’re anxious and worried that life will feel like this forever, and it’s your fault
- You want a way to express your true emotions and be real
- You long for a meaningful connection with something greater than yourself (aka Spirit)
Tiffany encourages & celebrates open sharing but does not demand or force it. The result is that the group quickly develops into a community listening to and pulling for each other. Tiffany ensures everyone is included, helping us pause to celebrate how far we have come while nudging us to go well beyond what we thought possible.
Tiffany Grimm Fulton is a force of nature who has extensive training and professional experience that gives her the credibility and gravitas that is important. In working with her, you will enter into a potent catalytic connection that will nourish and challenge your soul in all the right ways.
From Me to You
I know what you might be thinking.
I don’t have time for this. I can’t be responsible for one more thing. I can’t commit to this right now.
But I’m going to tell you, as a mother of a busy six year-old and from someone who studies and teaches behavior change… YOU CAN DO THIS.
You’ve put yourself on hold long enough. You know there’s healing to be done. In your heart, in your mind, in your body. You’ve told yourself over and over again, “Maybe someday, but not now.” I know this because I was also an expert in convincing myself I was too busy.
Until suddenly, my son turned three and I finally snapped out of it. I did, indeed, have time for myself, I just needed to protect it.
I realized that I couldn’t be the mom I wanted to be if I didn’t implement the practices that brought me back to my center. If I wasn’t living in a sacred way, neither was he. And that’s when motherhood changed.
I was determined that my son would see a strong (and vulnerable) mother who took care of herself. He would see a woman who was healthy and could find her center in the middle of chaos. His sense of calmness in the world depended on me. He would witness his own mama find her sense of self again. And he did.
THAT’S why I know you can do this.
It’s not supposed to be easy. Resilience is born out of challenge. You have to choose yourself first. If you need an accountability buddy, grab a friend and do the course together. There’s also a whole community of like-minded mamas in here waiting for you.
Let’s get this party started.


Move from fear
to sovereignty.
to deep embodiment,
Mundane blahness
to your thriving inner badass.
Join other mamas and…

Have specific questions? Need to talk it through?
Reach out.
TESTIMONIALS Testimonials and insights about other people’s experiences with my program are presented for purposes of illustration only. The testimonials, examples, and photos used are of actual clients. They are not intended to represent or guarantee that current or future clients will achieve the same or similar results; rather, these testimonials represent what is possible for illustrative purposes only.
Per FACEBOOK™ and Instagram™ rules, we must mention that this is in no way sponsored, administered, or associated with FACEBOOK, Inc. or Instagram, Inc
PHOTO CREDS: Rachael Grace Photography, JDesigns and Video, & Colleen Cummings Campbell Photography
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